💡Our Technology

Our groundbreaking platform gives traders unprecedented access to a wide selection of resources, allowing them to test their own strategies without limits - only the volume (lot size) is restricted. Our intuitive tools and systems are designed with a human-level understanding of financial markets in order to maximize success while minimizing time spent figuring out every trade. Levels has your best interest at heart as you make trades!

Our team of quants, PhDs, developers and data scientists have come together to create something special - algorithms that can execute trades at lightning speed with an intuitive interface for the trader. Millions of calculations are done behind-the-scenes in real time to maximise profits from market movements on multiple assets based upon every decision made by the user!

Through years of cutting-edge research, we've harnessed the power to make mesmeric market movements a reality. Expert quants, PhDs and developers contribute their knowledge while data scientists crunch numbers like nobody's business – all with one goal in mind: boosting traders' profits at lightning speed based on their unique decisions.

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