🔸Levels To The Rescue

Remove psychology to improve your trading performance

It's easy to read about proper trading psychology; the problem is when you have to put it into practice.

On Levels, we focus only on pips; that way, we can remove a lot of factors like money going up and down, commissions, swaps, percentages, etc., all of them related directly to money and how much percentage of my capital I am making or losing.

These factors are the ones that, most of the time, are the first reason to start having issues with psychology, so we removed them and focused only on pips; you need to focus on getting the double amount of pips you chose to start your level with, we got the rest.

As we said before, it's not easy to fight against bad psycho trading, but we are here to help you avoid the same mistakes thousands of traders made in their careers until they finally become profitable.

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